Howard Law
Dec 16, 2021
Too Big, Too Postmedia: A not-so-feverish review of federal funding of Canadian journalism
A recent story in Canadaland “Trudeau’s $10 million top-up fund” is written as an exposé of federal funding of journalism and states that...
Howard Law
Dec 7, 2021
Digging Deeper into the Google Pay-for-Content Deals
An under-investigated policy issue is how much money might be delivered by a Media Bargaining Code requiring Google and Facebook to share...
Howard Law
Nov 30, 2021
Rogers/Shaw Wrap Up: What the CRTC Might Do with the Merger
November 29, 2021 The dust has settled after a week-long CRTC hearing reviewing the $5 billion broadcasting distribution end of the $26...

Howard Law
Nov 29, 2021
The CRTC’s chickens come home to roost on Internet TV and Local News
November 24, 2021 Rogers is going to screw us on sports content, spokespersons for cable distributor Telus warned CRTC Chair Ian Scott on...

Howard Law
Nov 29, 2021
News Publishers Break Ranks, Have Google and Facebook Won?
November 15, 2021 Pablo Rodriguez returns to the Heritage portfolio. On October 27th the Toronto Star caved to Google by signing a...
Howard Law
Oct 15, 2021
The Libs’ Online Harms Bill Can’t Be Rushed
Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen probably doesn’t know anything about Canada’s soon to be Online Harms Bill. But her timing is dead...
Howard Law
Oct 8, 2021
Whistleblower rips the lid off Facebook’s Online Harms
Somebody had to say the emperor had no clothes. In the end it was Frances Haugen, a 37-year old career data scientist from Iowa who...

Howard Law
Sep 17, 2021
Part five. How the Platforms Should Pay for Journalism
If the next federal government makes Google and Facebook contribute to Canadian journalism, the big question is how. The Liberal election...

Howard Law
Sep 15, 2021
Part four. Online News Content: The Global Battle Between the Platforms and Parliaments
Google and Facebook don’t want to pay for news. They are fighting on every front to defend their digital empires from legislatures and...

Howard Law
Sep 11, 2021
Part three. How Facebook and Google Monetize Your Privacy
“Web Giants hoard mountain of cash” isn’t news. The Platforms Google and Facebook do make a lot of money: in 2020 Google raked in $USD...